Rihanna's tattoos have been written a lot about in the media recently. The most talked about is the gun she did after the breakup with Chris Brown last year. In an episode of Ellen DeGeneres talk show, broadcast in the U.S. tonight, "says the star herself on tattoos and how many she is evident in much. - Right now I have about 13 pieces, revealing the singer. The latest tattoo that Rihanna has is she has on her chest. An italic text that reads "Never a failure always a lesson." - It means basically that it's okay to make mistakes as long as you do about them. The tattoo is reversed and it is that she should be able to read it in the mirror says the 21-year-old singer(Rihanna). I found some pictures of her tattoos, which is the far post please look at them and leave a comment. XD See ya later. <33